Wroten, Bryan2020-10-182020-10-182020-10-14http://hdl.handle.net/10919/100606During the pandemic, hotel guests started to use their personal tech devices while they stay on the property. This makes hoteliers to challenge new situations as there are also opportunities for them, too. With their mobile phone, guests can check-in and out which makes hotels possible not having many people at their front desk. Also, using personal laptops demands more capacity of the Wi-Fi Bandwidth compared to pre-pandemic situations such as big business events that require a huge amount of bandwidth. These are fractional phenomena, however, eventually, they will bring about huge changes in hotel operations or customer experience, etc.application/pdfen-USIn Copyright (InC)pandemictech deviceshotel industryTechnologyGuests’ use of personal devices grows during pandemicArticlehttps://www.hotelnewsnow.com/Articles/304828/Guests-use-of-personal-devices-grows-during-pandemicHotel News Now