Halbert, MartinAnglada, Lluis2014-01-132014-01-132014-01-13http://hdl.handle.net/10919/24818Aligning National Approaches to Digital Preservation: An Action Assembly Biblioteca de Catalunya (National Library of Catalonia) November 18-20, 2013, Barcelona, Spain Summary The Aligning National Approaches to Digital Preservation (ANADP) II Action Assembly will align digital preservation efforts internationally between communities—including national libraries, academic libraries, public libraries, research centers, archives, corporations, and funding agencies. ANADP II will be a highly participatory event in which stakeholders will engage in facilitated discussions and action sessions to produce a set of concrete outcomes for the extended digital preservation community in three areas: Community Alignment, Resource Alignment, and Capacity Alignment. These specific action outcomes will include an international tools/services registry, a framework for applying OAIS to Distributed Digital Preservation methodologies, a catalogue of education and training opportunities, and quantitative data gathering around digital preservation costs. ANADP History ANADP II will build on a strong foundation. The ANADP community first gathered in Estonia in 2011 with delegates from more than 20 nations to explore a series of targeted opportunities to align efforts in digital preservation. The outcome of that first event, the Aligning National Approaches to Digital Preservation volume, documented some of the most promising areas for future collaborative engagements between national and international digital preservation efforts (the volume is this year’s winner of the Society of American Archivists Preservation Publication award). Additional work in aligning international digital preservation efforts took place at the ANADP workshops hosted in Singapore (iPRES 2012) and Amsterdam (IDCC 2012). The Action Assembly ANADP II differs in intent and structure from other digital preservation conferences and meetings. Its primary purpose is not to encourage information sharing, but rather to foster and support sustained global networks of influence and action. “Alignment” in this context is a lightweight mechanism for cooperation. Alignments are formed around small or modular problems that are directly related to the participants’ own specific needs and interests. ANADP II will be easy to get involved with, participate in, or define new activities within. The ANADP II Action Assembly will consist of four components. Panel Discussions: Attendees will engage actively with panelists in conversations around three broad alignment themes: Community Alignment, Resource Alignment, and Capacity Alignment. Action Sessions: Attendees will participate in action sessions that demonstrate the powerful impact a concentrated alliance can have. There will be two tracks around each alignment theme, and attendees will select the track to/from which they feel they have the most to contribute/learn. Funder Presentations: Attendees will hear from representatives of funding groups that are interested in supporting cross-national digital preservation projects. Patio Perspectives: Attendees will help to identify and develop new alignment projects that those participating in this international event can pursue together. The purpose of ANADP II is to encourage collaboration among existing organizations and demonstrate what can be achieved through these informal alliances. ANADP II will foster a stronger international community of engagement and practice.video/mp4video/webmen-USIn CopyrightEducopia#anadp13Aligning National Approaches to Digital Preservation II (ANADP)PresentationVirginia Tech. University Libraries