Judge, Tejinder K.Kopper, RegisPonce, SeanSilva, Mara G.North, Christopher L.2013-06-192013-06-192008http://hdl.handle.net/10919/19518In this day and age, people not only deal with data but deal with vast amounts of data which needs to be sorted and made sense of. A subset of these people are intelligence analysts who sort through an enormous amount of data that need to be organized to uncover plots and subplots. We are proposing a tool called BABES (Brushing+Linking, Attributes, and Blobs Extension to Storyboard) that will enable the intelligence analyst to sort through data efficiently, uncover plots and subplots using the brushing and linking and attributes features and work with multiple subplots at the same time using the concept of ’blobs’.application/pdfenIn CopyrightInformation visualizationBABES: Brushing+Linking, Attributes, and Blobs Extension to StoryboardTechnical reportTR-08-02http://eprints.cs.vt.edu/archive/00001014/01/BABES-Judge%2C_Kopper%2C_Ponce%2C_Silva.pdf