Kaufman, Eric K.Anderson, JamesCoartney, Jama S.Mitra, ShreyaRipley, Dana2019-10-272019-10-272019-10-26http://hdl.handle.net/10919/95170Educational organizations can effectively apply a variety of strategies for leading and accelerating desired change. As a practical illustration, we highlight the transformative approach of United States’ Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) towards restructuring its worldwide school system. DoDEA’s approach included formation of Centers for Instructional Leadership, and the process appropriately reflects many of Kotter’s accelerators for leading change.application/pdfenIn CopyrightLeadershipA Transformative Approach to Collaborative Change in an Educational OrganizationConference proceeding2019-10-27Kaufman, Eric [0000-0001-8009-0066]