Gil, Daniel P.Law, Jeffrey N.Murali, T. M.2020-11-032020-11-032017-01-20Gil DP, Law JN and Murali TM. The PathLinker app: Connect the dots in protein interaction networks [version 1; peer review: 1 approved, 2 approved with reservations] F1000Research 2017, 6:58 is a graph-theoretic algorithm for reconstructing the interactions in a signaling pathway of interest. It efficiently computes multiple short paths within a background protein interaction network from the receptors to transcription factors (TFs) in a pathway. We originally developed PathLinker to complement manual curation of signaling pathways, which is slow and painstaking. The method can be used in general to connect any set of sources to any set of targets in an interaction network. The app presented here makes the PathLinker functionality available to Cytoscape users. We present an example where we used PathLinker to compute and analyze the network of interactions connecting proteins that are perturbed by the drug lovastatin.13 pagesapplication/pdfenCreative Commons Attribution 4.0 Internationalsignaling pathwayspathway reconstructionprotein interaction networksPathLinkerCytoscapek-shortest pathsThe PathLinker app: Connect the dots in protein interaction networksArticle - RefereedF1000Research