Motavalli, Peter P.Garrett, Karen A.2016-04-192016-04-192008Presented at the SANREM CRSP 2008 Annual Meeting, Los BaƱos, Philippines, 26-29 May 20083516_Motavalli2008_Soil.ppt presentation reports on the work of the SANREM CRSP cross-cutting activities "Assessing and Managing Soil Quality for Sustainable Agricultural Systems" and "Soil Metagenomics to Construct Indicators of Soil Degradation." The introduction gives an overview of the extensiveness of soil degradation globally and defines soil quality. The objectives of the soil quality cross cutting activity are:application/ CopyrightSoil degradationSoil managementSoil fertilitySoil qualitySoilSoil organic matterSoil metagenomicsIndicatorsSoil field testsSoil microbial communitiesDnaEcosystem Field ScaleCross-cutting activities: Soil quality and soil metagenomicsPresentation