Karimi, A.Paul, Mark R.2024-10-092024-10-092012-12-202470-0045059JXhttps://hdl.handle.net/10919/121317We describe an approach to quantify the length scale of a chaotic element of a Rayleigh-BĂ©nard convection layer exhibiting spatiotemporal chaos. The length scale of a chaotic element is determined by simultaneously evolving the dynamics of two convection layers with a unidirectional coupling that involves only the time-varying values of the fluid velocity and temperature on the lateral boundaries of the domain. In our results we numerically simulate the full Boussinesq equations for the precise conditions of experiment. By varying the size of the boundary used for the coupling we identify a length scale that describes the size of a chaotic element. The length scale of the chaotic element is of the same order of magnitude, and exhibits similar trends, as the natural chaotic length scale that is based upon the fractal dimension.5 page(s)application/pdfenIn CopyrightLength scale of a chaotic element in Rayleigh-Benard convectionArticle - RefereedPhysical Review Ehttps://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevE.86.066212866Paul, Mark [0000-0002-0701-1955]233680292470-0053