Langill, Jennifer2023-11-012023-11-012023-10-12 research has long critiqued the overly economic focus of development studies and scholarship, calling for greater attention to the gender and broader social dimensions of development. While we are seeing much more gender sensitivity in development discourse, overwhelmingly approaches remain siloed between economic and feminist lenses. In this talk, I present an integrated gender and development analysis of livelihood change in an ethnic Hmong village in northern Thailand. I outline 30 years of livelihood transitions in this village through the entry point of gender roles and relations. Such an approach identifies both gender transformations as well as gender tensions and inequities that persist. I argue that gender is more than context and outcome, but woven throughout all forms of livelihood, economic, and environmental change.Dimensions: 1920 × 1080Duration: 00:56:12Size: 350.4 MBvideo/mp4video/webmimage/jpegtext.mp4-en.vttenIn CopyrightGenderFeminismEconomicsThailandHmongGender Transformations Embedded in Livelihood Transitions: Changes and Continuities in Hmong Gender Roles and Relations in Northern ThailandVideo