Lima Constantino, Pedro de AraujoSilvius, Kirsten M.Alvarenga, FernandaBuck Silva, Cristina IsisKurihara, LeonardoRossoni, FelipeTorres, Ana ClaudiaDias da Costa, Antonio AdevaldoCorrea Mota, Sara QuiziaNunes Rocha, Joao da MataSilva Santos, Bruna De VitaCampos-Silva, Joao Vitor2020-11-132020-11-132020-09e252 community-based management of Arapaima gigas for sustainable commercial use allows that wild fish legally harvested in the Brazilian Amazon supply the demand for exotic leather in the US, supporting the conservation of the forest and providing income for fishers communities if based in fair-trade. We provide a more optimistic view than Heinrich et al. (2019) on the effects of international trade of arapaima leather in the conservation of the species in Brazil.application/pdfenCreative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalArapaima gigasBrazilian Amazoncommunity-based managementconservationfair-tradeleatherpirarucuUS importFishes and cowboy boots: An optimistic viewArticle - RefereedConservation Science and Practice