Virginia Tech. Department of Materials Science and EngineeringEtrema Products, Inc.Dong, ShuxiangZhai, JunyiLi, JiefangViehland, Dwight D.Summers, Eric2015-05-212015-05-212007-06-15Dong, Shuxiang, Zhai, Junyi, Li, Jie-Fang, Viehland, D., Summers, Eric (2007). Strong magnetoelectric charge coupling in stress-biased multilayer-piezoelectric/magnetostrictive composites. Journal of Applied Physics, 101(12). doi: 10.1063/1.27487120021-8979 magnetoelectric composite consisting of a multilayer Pb(Zr,Ti)O-3 piezoelectric (d(33)) stack and a magnetostrictive (Galfenol and/or Terfenol-D) rod assembled in a prestressed frame in a longitudinal-longitudinal configuration has been found to have a high magnetoelectric (ME) charge coupling to an applied magnetic field. Values of the ME charge coefficient as high as 16.4 nC/Oe (or 3.6x10(-6) C/m(2) Oe) were found at quasistatic frequencies and 123 nC/Oe (or 2.8x10(-5) C/m(2) Oe) under resonance drive, which are 100-1000 times higher than that previously reported for other ME laminates. (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics.5 pagesapplication/pdfen-USIn CopyrightPiezoelectric filmsMultilayersCapacitanceCharge coupled devicesAlternating current power transmissionStrong magnetoelectric charge coupling in stress-biased multilayer-piezoelectric/magnetostrictive compositesArticle - Refereed of Applied Physics