Marine Resources Assessment Group (MRAG) and CARE InternationalGoverment of UgandaDepartment for International Development (DFID) of the UK Government2016-04-192016-04-192007-07-13 only recordIn 1999, the Integrated Co-management of Lakes through Beach Management Units project was started in an effort to implement a new approach to the management of lake resources in Uganda. The main components of this plan involved decentralization, local community management, and improving the livelihood of the poor. In order to finance the management of these areas, the Beach Management Units (BMU's) are charging user fees to those individuals who obtain benefit from the natural resources. These fees make their way back to the local government where they are used for management of the fishery. For example, the Lake George Basin Integrated Management Organization made a 27% reinvestment of fisheries income earned in that year across the lake.text/plainen-USIn CopyrightWildlifeBiodiversityWildlife managementCommunity managementFisheriesPayments for environmental servicesSurface waterTransfer paymentsLivelihoodsWaterPovertyDecentralizationUser feesFisheriesBeach management unitsUgandaIntegrated Co-management of Lakes through Beach Management UnitsIntegrated Lake Management ProjectAbstract