Bationo, A.Kimetu, J. M.Ikerra, S.Kimani, S.Mugendi, D. N.Odendo, M.Silver, M.Swift, M. J.Sanginga, N.2016-04-192016-04-1920049966-24-075-6 only recordSoil fertility degradation has been described as the single most important constraint to food security in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Soil fertility decline is not just a problem of nutrienttext/plainen-USIn CopyrightSoil degradationFood securitySoil managementCommunity developmentSoil fertilityAfnetSub-Saharan AfricaEcosystemThe African Network for Soil Biology and Fertility: New challenges and opportunitiesChapter 1Abstractcopyright AfNet-CIAT All rights reserved, 2004