Royal Society for the Protection of BirdsUK Department for International DevelopmentKulika UKInternational Center for Insect Physiology and EcologyNature Uganda2016-04-192016-04-192007-07-202480_echuya.pdf project had established seven community tree nurseries in the working area, and has planted out over 100,000 seedlings of Pinus, Grevillea and Calliandra. It has trained over 124 farmer groups in enterprise selection. It is now working with these groups and has established three passion fruit nurseries (66,000 seedlings which have all been planted out) and beekeeping enterprises (150 beehives are already active).application/pdfen-USIn CopyrightDeforestationSustainable developmentPayments for environmental servicesLivelihoodsEcotourismTropical zonesBioreservesForest ecosystemsForestryReforestationAgroforestrySustainabilityForestsSustainable farmingSustainable livelihoods projectEchuya Forest Conservation ProjectPoster