Sonntag, Ramona2014-03-142014-03-142007-02-06etd-05212007-142353 attempt to save the city of Detroit, Michigan, and its existing buildings by giving it a new meaning and future. Cars and roads are eliminated. Tiger Stadium is converted into a city-wide freight receiving and shipping facility. A system of pneumatic tubes is implemented in each neighborhood, with a district tube router facility inside the LaFayette Tower. Apartments vitalize the landmark Fisher Building. A new multi-storey research/ education/ work station with more stairs then elevators fills in an old parking lot.In CopyrightsuburbiaEuropean constitutionprinciplesblimpTiger Stadiumsuburbspneumatic pipeoffice buildingtrashlandfillfreight receiving facilityFisher Buildingutopiadense citycarshrinking citiesTroystairstube routerDetroitDeTROYtThesis