Zehetner, FranzMiller, W. P.Zapata RĂ­os, X.2016-04-192016-04-1920060-85199-949-2http://hdl.handle.net/10919/68237Metadata only recordChapter 13 models the potential impact of expanding the availability of irrigation in Cotacachi. While Cotacachi receives enough rain to cultivate a number of crops in the rainy season, during the dry season production is severely limited by the availability of water. Thus the chapter argues that irrigation systems in Cotacachi should be expanded.text/plainen-USIn CopyrightRow cropsRainfed agricultureWaterIrrigationWater useAgricultureMaizeWater availabilityPlant growthPlant-water relations in an Andean landscape: Modelling the effect of irrigation on upland crop productionAbstractCopyright CAB International 2006