ILO2016-04-192016-04-192002Sixth (revised) edition1020-4962 only record"Labour-based technology (LBT) is now well established as a viable option for building infrastructure in countries with low wages and high unemployment. The quality of output produced in rural roadworks, sanitation and water supply is usually indistinguishable form that produced by conventional techniques, and the costs are competitive. However, like any relatively new approach, the information on how to do it is not always readily available. This Source Book seeks to put together a selective list of the key publications we have found useful over the years. The publications are categorized into the following subject areas:text/plainen-USIn CopyrightRural developmentTrainingProgram planningLivelihoodsIrrigationTransportation infrastructureLabor-based methodsInfrastructureWagesUnemploymentGovernanceThe labour-based technology source book: A catalogue of key publicationsAbstractCopyright International Labour Organization 2002