Borges, Pedro José2014-03-142014-03-142007-05-02etd-11282007-214909 beginning of questions about architecture and humanity and searching for those answers that begin to initiate the process of design and improving the quality of life. This is an investigation and an understanding of those values which make a place unique. Once those attributes have been found then we can begin to embrace them within architecture. Inside the small town of Veron, on the eastern shore of the Dominican Republic, unique economic and social conditions are apparent there that are mirrored throughout this small island nation and throughout many parts of Latin America. There are powerful forces at work, along with nature, that are affecting local communities and degrading the social status. This is only a small microcosm of the social, economic and environmental effects of the tourism industry in this paradise nation. How do we sustain those qualities that are embedded within the fabric of a nation's culture, heritage, and begin to give the nation a voice within design. How do you provide a sustainable solution between private tourism industries and local governments and communities within the setting and conditions of the eastern shore of the Dominican Republic?In CopyrightcafémusicdanceDominican RepublicCafé of DanceThesis