Liu, Min2014-03-142014-03-142005-07-05etd-05172007-231824 an architectural language, what elements and systems constitute a work of architecture? They are the structural system, enclosure system, circulation system, functional requirements, context, light, views, proportion, scale, forms, cultural characteristics, color and many others. In this thesis, I focus on the structural system, the spatial organization and quality of light with a view to how they contribute to the identity of spaces. the vehicle of my study is an Environmental Learning Center, for Franklin County, Virginia. The building design enploys two different structural systems in two parts of the building, arranging dissimilar spatial organizations in building sections. Various enclosure materials are used to exhibit distinct light qualities. Design is not only to satisfy functional needs, but to architecturally determine spatial differentiation,which accordingly generates the identity of spaces.In Copyrightspatial differentiationtwo volumesspace identityintersecting spaceSpace identityThesis