Toloza, Julio Hugo2014-03-142014-03-142002-12-11etd-12132002-163620 study the behavior of truncated Rayleigh-Schröodinger series for the low-lying eigenvalues of the time-independent Schröodinger equation, when the Planck's constant is considered in the semiclassical limit. Under certain hypotheses on the potential energy, we prove that, for any given small value of the Planck's constant, there is an optimal truncation of the series for the approximate eigenvalues, such that the difference between an approximate and actual eigenvalue is smaller than an exponentially small function of the Planck's constant. We also prove the analogous results concerning the eigenfunctions.In Copyrightexponentially accurate asymptoticsExponentially Accurate Error Estimates of Quasiclassical EigenvaluesDissertation