Risley, Chad Richard2014-03-142014-03-141987-06-05etd-09082012-040501http://hdl.handle.net/10919/44679The effect of exposure to creep feed at 10 d of age vs no exposure to creep feed or sow's feed on the ability of pigs weaned at 21 d of age to respond to an oral challenge of E. coll or to absorb ovalbumin or xylose was investigated. Eighty pigs (45 exposed, 35 control) were orally challenged 24 h after weaning with 3x1011 organisms of E. coli (0157 H88AC:H43); control pigs tended (P<.10) to scour more than the exposed pigs (46% vs 27%). Ovalbumin absorption was similar for both exposed and control pigs (P>.10), but absorption for both treatments increased (P<.001) from d 1 to d 4 and decreased to d 13 (P<.001). Xylose absorption was less (P<.02) at d 1 for exposed pigs compared with control pigs (0.781 vs .825 mmol) with no differences (P>.20) occurring thereafter. Lowest xylose absorption for both treatments occurred on d 7. Creep feeding conferred some protection to the E. coll challenge, but had little effect on intestinal absorption of ovalbumin and xylose.iv, 52 leavesBTDapplication/pdfIn Copyrightxyloseintestinal damageLD5655.V855 1987.R574Escherichia coliSwine -- DiseasesResponse of early weaned pigs to an escherichia coli challege and their absorption to ovalbumin or xylose as influenced by creep feedingThesishttp://scholar.lib.vt.edu/theses/available/etd-09082012-040501/