Oakley, E.Momsen, Janet H.2016-04-192016-04-192007Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography 28(1): 90-1060129-76191467-9493http://hdl.handle.net/10919/67286Metadata only recordThis paper is the result of a study on women's roles in seed management both in the fields and home gardens. in two villages in Tangail District in Bangladesh. Agrobiodiversity research has been increasing its focus on seed management. The authors used a combination of qualitative methods to study 75 women to understand agrobiodiversity at three levels: the gendered divisions of labor in agriculture; seed saving; and seed management practices and techniques.text/plainen-USIn CopyrightSmall-scale farmingGenderAgrobiodiversitySeed managementAgrobiodiversityHomegardensGendered divisions of laborSeed savingMethodologyBangladeshWomen and seed management: A study of two villages in BangladeshAbstractCopyright 2007 Oakley and Momsen