Lewis, Cannada Andrew2018-07-062018-07-062018-07-05vt_gsexam:15337http://hdl.handle.net/10919/83866Through the exploitation of data-sparsity ---a catch all term for savings gained from a variety of approximations--- it is possible to reduce the computational cost of accurate electronic structure calculations to linear. Meaning, that the total time to solution for the calculation grows at the same rate as the number of particles that are correlated. Multiple techniques for exploiting data-sparsity are discussed, with a focus on those that can be systematically improved by tightening numerical parameters such that as the parameter approaches zero the approximation becomes exact. These techniques are first applied to Hartree-Fock theory and then we attempt to design a linear scaling massively parallel electron correlation strategy based on second order perturbation theory.ETDIn CopyrightElectronic StructureData-SparsityTensorReduced ScalingThe Unreasonable Usefulness of Approximation by Linear CombinationDissertation