Labib, MinaMartone, Anthony F.Marojevic, VukReed, Jeffrey H.Zaghloul, Amir I.2019-08-142019-08-142019 paper proposes a chance-constrained stochastic optimization technique that enables effective coexistence between LTE-Unlicensed base stations and radars in a shared spectrum. The optimization problem is formulated to guarantee the minimum performance criteria for radar operation, and at the same time, allows the LTE-Unlicensed base station to control its transmit power to maximize the performance for the serving LTE-Unlicensed device. The proposed power control mechanism results in significant reduction of the required protection distance (3.9% of the one imposed by regulations) between the radar and the LTE-Unlicensed network for the two to effectively coexist in a shared spectrum.application/pdfenCreative Commons Attribution 3.0 UnportedLTE-unlicensedLAALTE-Uradar systemscoexistencespectrum sharingstochastic optimizationchance-constrained optimizationpower controlcognitive radarsA Stochastic Optimization Approach for Spectrum Sharing of Radar and LTE SystemsArticle - RefereedIEEE Access