Pan, Zhenhe2015-09-212015-09-212014-03-17vt_gsexam:2364 Global Positioning System (GPS) signal simulator plays a critical role in developing and testing GPS receivers. Unfortunately, very few commercial GPS signal simulators are user-friendly for security researchers because they fail to generate abnormal GPS signals, which are fundamentally important. In this thesis, we develop a cost efficient software defined GPS signal simulator. To reduce the design complexity, we make some reasonable assumptions about the GPS system. This simulator is able to generate clean GPS signals, as well as polluted GPS signals by jamming, multi-path, and spoofing interferences. In addition to simulating GPS signals for a single stand alone antenna, our simulator is also able to simulate GPS signals for multiple antennas, simultaneously. These features of the simulator will immensely help the security researchers in the GPS community.ETDIn CopyrightGPS simulatorsoftware definedGPS interferencespoofingA software defined GPS signal simulator designThesis