Grisso, Robert D.Weaver, Michael JohnBradley, Kevin WayneHagood, Edward S.Wilson, Henry P.2015-10-082015-10-082009-05-01 to quickly evaluate the performance of a sprayer. Sprayer calibration, nozzle discharge, spray pattern uniformity, speed checks, pump performance and plumbing arrangements are evaluated with minimal calculations.6 pagesapplication/pdfen-USVirginia Cooperative Extension materials are available for public use, re-print, or citation without further permission, provided the use includes credit to the author and to Virginia Cooperative Extension, Virginia Tech, and Virginia State University.Equipment and StructuresFine Tuning a Sprayer with "Ounce" Calibration MethodExtension publication sizeSpray nozzlesPesticide applicatorsCalibrationBand sprayingBand placement