Eanes, Dolores Dove2014-03-142014-03-141978-07-15etd-06092012-141049http://hdl.handle.net/10919/38596The purpose of this study was to determine appropriate content objectives for a human anatomy and physiology course for associate degree nursing students. To accomplish the purpose,of the study, it was necessary to achieve the following goals: 1. Starting with an initial set of objectives for a course in human-anatomy and physiology for associate degree nursing students, obtain the opinions of three groups of nurse educators in regard to the importance value of each objective. 2. Rank order the objectives according to mean value of importance, based on the ratings given by each group of nurse educators. 3. Determine the extent of agreement of ranking across the three groups of nurse educators. 4. Use the mean ratings of the objectives produced by the three groups of nurse educators to make recommendations concerning the selection of objectives for a course in human anatomy and physiology for associate degree nursing students.xi, 232 leaveBTDapplication/pdfenIn Copyrightnursing coursesLD5655.V856 1978.E25The identification of behavioral objectives for a human anatomy and physiology course supportive to the associate degree nursing programs in Virginia community collegesDissertationhttp://scholar.lib.vt.edu/theses/available/etd-06092012-141049/