Hogan, John2018-01-102018-01-102011-11-04http://hdl.handle.net/10919/81667When we were children, the seasons were defined by holidays, the school calendar, family events and to some degree the weather. Now that we are adults, we see many variations of seasons. As hoteliers, we still see the holidays and the changes in weather, but we need to look at calendars and factors that affect demand much more closely. When we were children, the seasons were defined by holidays, the school calendar, family events and to some degree the weather. Now that we are adults, we see many variations of seasons. As hoteliers, we still see the holidays and the changes in weather, but we need to look at calendars and factors that affect demand much more closely.enIn Copyrightrevenue managementseasonal demandDemand planningA Plan For All Seasons Revenue Management Should Mean Planning and Action at Every Type and Size Hotel (Part 1 of 2)Articlehttps://www.hospitalitynet.org/opinion/4053643.html