Kim, Kwangmin2014-03-142014-03-142006-07-21etd-08162006-105831 studies of blasting exist because of difficulties in obtaining reliable fragmentation data or even obtaining consistent blasting results. Many researchers have attempted to predict blast fragmentation using the Kuz-Ram model, an empirical fragmentation model suggested by Cunningham. The purpose of this study is to develop an empirical model to relate specific explosives energy (ESE) to blasting fragmentation reduction ratio (RR) and rock fracture toughness (KIC). The reduction ratio was obtained by analyzing the bench face block size distribution and the muck fragment size distribution using image analysis. The fracture toughness was determined using the Edge Notched Disk Wedge Splitting test. Blasting data from twelve (12) blasts at four (4) different quarries were analyzed. Based on this data set, an empirical relationship, ESE=11.7 RR801.202 KIC4.14 has been developed. Using this relationship, based on the predicted blasting energy input for a desired eighty-percent passing (P80) muckpile fragment size the burden and spacing may be determined.In Copyrightimage analysisblastingfracture toughnessBlasting Design Using Fracture Toughness and Image Analysis of the Bench Face and MuckpileThesis