Mingo, Ryan J.2014-03-142014-03-141997-12-12etd-2298-224722http://hdl.handle.net/10919/36559Architecture in today's urban environments exists through, and must respond to, the interaction of contemporary constructs occurring within the context of the urban fabric of the established city. The opportunity residing between these concurrent systems of past and present offers the flexibility of countless modes of response to the ever-changing city Concerns of today"s architectural possibilities to the protection of the past, while enabling the evolution of the urban setting afford the designers of our cities a diversity of options in response to the needs and desires of modern society. Context is of primary concern, and must be addressed not only as the physical characteristics of the "siteIn CopyrightBorne MarketBorn MarketUrban ArtifactBarcelona Public MarketUrban RevitalizationPublic MarketMercat del BornMercado del BorneRyan MingoLines of SiteThesishttp://scholar.lib.vt.edu/theses/available/etd-2298-224722/