Yao, Wenchuo2023-03-092023-03-092021-09-14vt_gsexam:32375http://hdl.handle.net/10919/114062Portable ultrasonic humidifiers add moisture into room air, but they simultaneously add exposure risks of aerosolized metals from drinking water used as fill water. The inhalation exposure from emitted metals can be overlooked, and thus, co-exposure of inhalation and ingestion and co-exposure to multiple inorganic metals is investigated. The objectives of this work are: 1) predict airborne metal concentrations and particle sizes in four realistic room scenarios (33 m3 small or 72 m3 large, with varying ventilation rates from 0.2/hr -1.5/hr), and the investigated metals are arsenic, cadmium, chromium, copper, lead, and manganese; 2) characterize exposure doses and consequent risks for adults and 0.25, 1, 2.5, and 6 yr old children, when using identical drinking water ingested and as fill water, including inhalation of fine, respirable particles generated at the frequency of 8 hrs/day (equals 121.67 days/yr) and daily ingestion, under four realistic room scenarios. The risk assessment includes non-cancer [calculation of average daily dose (ADD) and hazard quotient (HQ)] and cancer risk evaluation; 3) quantify deposition fraction and deposited doses of multiple metals in human adult's and children's respiratory tract, using multi-path particle dosimetry (MPPD) model. Results show airborne-particle-bound metal concentrations increase proportionally with water metals, and a poorly ventilated room causes greater exposure. Ingestion ADDs are 2 magnitudes higher than inhalation ADD, at identical water metal concentrations and daily exposure frequency. However, in the worse-case scenario of 33 m3 small room with low air exchange rate, the consequent inhalation HQs are all greater than 1 for children and adults, except for lead, indicating significant non-cancer risks when exposed to humidifier particles under the worse-case scenario. The cancer risks for arsenic, cadmium, chromium, and lead metals reveal are greater than acceptable one case in a million population (1E-6) produced from inhalation of the humidifier emitted metal-containing particles only. The MPPD model results indicate inhaled metal-containing airborne particles deposit primarily in head and pulmonary regions, and a greater dose (unit in µg/kg body weight/day) deposits in children than adults. Inhalation of ultrasonic humidifier aerosolized metals results in additional, and potentially greater risks (indicated by HQinhalation >1, and greater deposited dose) than ingestion at the same aqueous metal concentration, especially for children. Room conditions (i.e. volume and ventilation) influence risks. Both inhalation and ingestion exposures require consideration for eliminating multiple metal exposures and health-based environmental policy making. Consumers should be aware that they may be degrading their indoor air quality by using ultrasonic humidifiers even when filling with acceptable water quality for drinking.ETDIn Copyrightultrasonic humidifierinhalation exposureindoor air qualitywater qualityrisk assessmentAssessing Human Exposure to Emissions from Ultrasonic HumidifiersDissertation