Delta Waterfowl2016-04-192016-04-192007-06-25 only recordIn order to protect waterfowl breeding habitat, Delta Waterfowl began the Adopt A Pothole Program to protect wetlands on prairie grain farms. Those interested in participating in the program sign perpetual leases protecting their wetlands. Currently, the program is focusing on the waterfowl habitat in Canada. The program has signed 22,000 acres of wetlands as of 2006.text/plainen-USIn CopyrightWildlifeWildlife managementTemperate zonesPayments for environmental servicesWetlandConservation easementsWetlands conservationAgricultureIllinois state duck stamp fundsNorth dakota natural resources trustManitoba habitat heritage corporationWisconsinWaterfowlPerpetual wetland easementsFarm/Enterprise ScaleAdopt A Pothole ProgramAbstract