Gershberg, Alexander2024-05-082024-05-082024-05-07vt_gsexam:40151 is a poetry collection that constellates together the speaker's ancestral experience of Jewish diaspora and genocide, the ongoing oppression and genocide of Palestinians, and the anti-Black racism that led to the police-murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis. In all, the speaker is at once close and far from what they witness, both personally impacted and implicated by their witnessing. In documentary, translation, prayer, elegiac, confessional, and experimental modes, these poems locate the possibility and need for a reimagined mode of kinship, using diasporic and queer desire as a means of reparation.ETDenIn CopyrightJewishqueerdiasporakinshipsolidarityinterracial relationshipsBlack-Jewish relationshipsPalestineIsrael/Palestine conflictgenocideHolocaustpolice brutalityMinneapolisGeorge FloydtranslationdocumentaryprayerAutoscopyThesis