Bixler, Jacqueline E.2020-08-262020-08-262020-050101-4846 article focuses on the Mexican play, eXtras, Sabina Berman's translation and adaptation of the Irish hit play Stones in His Pockets by Marie Jones. Linda Hutcheon, Thomas Leitch, and other contributors to adaptation studies shed light on the process used by Berman to tradapt and glocalize Stones in His Pockets for the Mexican stage, where the combined forces of Hollywood and globalization have likewise ravaged the local economy and where Jones's tragicomic story of exploitation and anonymization played every bit as well as it did in Ireland.application/pdfenCreative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalMarie JonesSabina BermanAdaptationGlobalizationHollywoodFrom Kerry to Chiconcuac: Marie Jones’s Stones in His Pockets and Sabina Berman’s eXtrasArticle - RefereedIlha Do Desterro-A Journal Of English Language Literatures In English And Cultural Studies