Adams, David B.Watson, Layne T.Gürdal, Zafer2013-06-192013-06-192002 of aircraft stiffened composite panel structures often results in manufacturing incompatibilities between adjacent panels. Using genetic algorithms to optimize local panel stacking sequences allows panel populations of stacking sequences to evolve in parallel and send migrants to adjacent panels, so as to blend the local panel designs globally. The blending process is accomplished using the edit distance between individuals of a population and the set of migrants from adjacent panels. The objective function evaluating the fitness of designs is modified according to the severity of mismatches detected between neighboring populations. This lays the ground work for natural evolution to a blended global solution without leaving the paradigm of genetic algorithms.application/postscriptenIn CopyrightAlgorithmsData structuresOptimization and Blending of Composite Laminates Using Genetic Algorithms with MigrationTechnical reportTR-02-04