Makovec, Kristin Lynne2014-03-142014-03-142001-07-12etd-07242001-133151 problem of magnetic control for three-axis stability of a spacecraft is examined. Two controllers, a proportional-derivative controller and a constant coefficient linear quadratic regulator, are applied to the system of equations describing the motion of the spacecraft. The stability of each is checked for different spacecraft configurations through simulations, and the results for gravity-gradient stable and non gravity-gradient stable spacecraft are compared. An optimization technique is implemented in an attempt to obtain the best performance from the controller. For every spacecraft configuration, a set of gains can be chosen for implementation in the controller that stabilizes the linear and nonlinear equations of motion for the spacecraft.In CopyrightSpacecraft Attitude DynamicsMagnetic ControlThree-Axis StabilityA Nonlinear Magnetic Controller for Three-Axis Stability of NanosatellitesThesis