Pagiola, Stefano2016-04-192016-04-192005Presented at the ZEF-CIFOR workshop: Payments for Environmental Services (PES): Methods and Design in Developing and Developed Countries, Titisee, Germany, 15-18 June 20053095_Pagiola2005_Marketish_instruments.pdf presentation provides a summary discussion of "market-ish" instruments for environmental service provision. Choice of an instrument should be based on the objectives and context of a program. Although the definition of Payments for Environmental Services (PES) includes the roles of both service users and service providers, attention is primarily given the service providers and not the users. A shift to service user-focused PES mechanisms ('supply-side PES') could make PES outcomes more cost-effective by basing payments on user WTP (willingness to pay). The presentation concludes with discussing when PES is potentially useful and issues involved in paying providers.application/pdfen-USIn CopyrightEconomic analysesPayments for environmental servicesProgram planningPESMarket-based instrumentsSupply-side PESWillingness to payCost-effectivenessSocial inefficienciesFinancial inefficienciesService usersMarket-ish instruments and other strange beasts: A personal wrap-up viewPresentation