Kohler, EllieStovall, Connie2020-05-312020-05-312019-07-24http://hdl.handle.net/10919/98627This paper presentation shares the approach taken by the Data Analytics Team at the University Libraries at Virginia Tech (Blacksburg, VA, USA) to create and execute a program intended to streamline measurement outcomes tied directly to library strategic initiatives. Further, it provides insight into the challenges of adopting a systematic approach to measuring the impact of strategic initiatives, as well as discusses implementation practicalities. The program includes three essential components: 1. holistic integration of library strategic initiatives into the daily processes and procedures, 2. impact methodology, and 3. annual reporting processes for metrics communication.application/pdfenIn CopyrightCreating, Recalibrating, and collecting assessment metrics for Strategic Initiatives and Annual Reporting: A case study at Virginia TechConference proceeding2020-05-31Stovall, Connie [0000-0003-2742-2863]