Peguero, Anthony A.2012-10-222012-10-222012-04 Peguero speaks about his research on adolescent violence, socialization and marginalization, school bullying, race and ethnicity, and the adaptation of the children immigrants. It is well established that violence can seriously lead to mental health disorders, disrupt interpersonal social relationships, derail educational progress, and negatively impact life-course trajectories for youth. Despite the prevalence and problems associated with youth violence, studies that examine the disparities linked to race and ethnicity, immigration, and gender in relationship to the exposure and consequences of violence for youth are underrepresented and limited. Dr. Peguero's research agenda is focused on addressing the gap in the sociological, criminological, and educational research literature in the pursuit of ameliorating the likelihood of violence, as well as the consequences, for marginalized and vulnerable youth populations. While Dr. Peguero’s work focuses on how violence contributes to social inequalities, this area of research is still in its infancy and future research will continue to incorporate interdisciplinary approaches to further this line of CopyrightSocializationBullyingGenderEthnicityGender, immigration, and school victimizationPresentationVirginia Tech. University Libraries