Ellis, Robert B.2014-03-142014-03-141996-06-06etd-10072005-094842http://hdl.handle.net/10919/45075The optimal number of faces in cubical complexes which lie in cubes refers to the maximum number of faces that can be constructed from a certain number of faces of lower dimension, or the minimum number of faces necessary to construct a certain number of faces of higher dimension. If <i>m</i> is the number of faces of <i>r</i> in a cubical complex, and if s > r(s < r), then the maximum(minimum) number of faces of dimension s that the complex can have is m<sub>(s/r)</sub> +. (m-m<sub>(r/r)</sub>)<sup>(s/r)</sup>, in terms of upper and lower semipowers. The corresponding formula for simplicial complexes, proved independently by J. B. Kruskal and G. A. Katona, is m<sup>(s/r)</sup>. A proof of the formula for cubical complexes is given in this paper, of which a flawed version appears in a paper by Bernt Lindstrijm. The n-tuples which satisfy the optimaiity conditions for cubical complexes which lie in cubes correspond bijectively with f-vectors of cubical complexes.v, 53 leavesBTDapplication/pdfenIn CopyrightcubicalsimplicialcomplesLindstromKruskalLD5655.V855 1996.E455A Kruskal-Katona theorem for cubical complexesThesishttp://scholar.lib.vt.edu/theses/available/etd-10072005-094842/