Martindale, Rowan C.Them, Theodore R.Gill, Benjamin C.Marroquin, Selva M.Knoll, Andrew H.2018-01-192018-01-192017-03-010091-7613 of exceptionally preserved fossils-offer vital insights into evolutionary history. To date, only three Konservat Lagerstatten are known from Early Jurassic marine rocks (Osteno, Posidonia Shale, and Strawberry Bank), all located in Europe. We report a new assemblage of exceptionally preserved fossils from Alberta, Canada, the first marine Konservat-Lagerstatte described from the Jurassic of North America. The Ya Ha Tinda assemblage includes articulated vertebrates (fish, ichthyosaurs), crinoids, crustaceans, brachiopods, abundant mollusks (coleoids with soft tissues, ammonites, gastropods, bivalves), wood, and microfossils. Paired bio-and chemostratigraphies show that Lagerstatte deposition occurred during the late Pliensbachian through early Toarcian, capturing the carbon isotope excursion associated with the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event. Therefore, the Panthalassan Ya Ha Tinda biota is coeval with Toarcian Lagerstatten from the Tethys Ocean (Posidonia Shale and Strawberry Bank). Comparisons among these deposits permit new insights into the diversity, ecology, and biogeography of Jurassic marine communities during a time of pronounced biological and environmental change (e.g., expanded subsurface anoxia, warming, and extinctions). They also highlight the possibility that Mesozoic Oceanic Anoxic Events are temporal foci of exceptional preservation.255 - 258 (4) page(s)application/pdfenCreative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalGeologyOCEANIC ANOXIC EVENTBRITISH-COLUMBIAFERNIE FORMATIONNORTH-AMERICATEUTHID SQUIDTOARCIANEXTINCTIONDECAYFOSSILIZATIONPRESERVATIONA new Early Jurassic (ca. 183 Ma) fossil Lagerstatte from Ya Ha Tinda, Alberta, CanadaArticle - RefereedThe Author(s)Geology, BC [0000-0001-7402-0811]1943-2682