Elazegui, Dulce D.2016-04-192016-04-192002Policy Notes 2002-031656-526636_pidspn0203.pdfhttp://hdl.handle.net/10919/65295In the face of continuing environmental degradation in the Philippines brought about by, among other causes, urbanization and industrialization, it is important to ask what has been done in terms of adopting a policy to address such degradation and assess how effective that policy has been in achieving its objective.application/pdfen-USEnvironmental impactsGovernment policyLaws and regulationsPollution controlEconomic impactsEnvironmental lawAbatement costsEconomic incentives"Polluter pays" principleEnvironmental quality standardsEnvironmental policyCommand-and-control principleMarket-based instrumentsEnforcementComplianceGovernanceSetting quality standards for environmental management policy: How effective is it?Technical report