Heilmann, Adam2018-08-152018-08-152016-10-28http://hdl.handle.net/10919/84693Myth: In order to lose weight, I have to have _ meals per day and eat _ number of carbs right off the bat. Fact: This myth plays off of many of the topics talked about in previous issues of Wellness Weekly. I will break this down into two sections: one regarding beginners attempting to lose weight to be healthier or look better and another on athletes attempting to cut down past a plateau point. Let’s focus on the more common first topic.2 pagesapplication/pdfen-USIn Copyright (InC)This Item is protected by copyright and/or related rights. Some uses of this Item may be deemed fair and permitted by law even without permission from the rights holder(s). For other uses you need to obtain permission from the rights holder(s).Get the Facts: Meals Per DayArticlehttps://medicine.vtc.vt.edu/student-life/student-wellness/wellness-weekly.htmlWellness Weekly110