Kenya Agricultural Productivity Program (KAPP)Arid Lands Resource Management Project (ALRMP)The Western Kenya Integrated Ecosystem Management Project (WKIEMP)Western Kenya Community Driven Development program (WKCDD)The Kenya Natural Resource Management Project (KNRM)The World BankGEF (Global Environmental Facility)2016-04-192016-04-192007-02-16 producers in Kenya are often using less than optimal land and practices for environmental protection. This project will attempt to increase the productivity for those producers while maintaining these environmentally critical areas. In order to accomplish this, the project will have the following outputs:application/pdfen-USIn CopyrightDryland farmingSoil erosionPayments for environmental servicesSalinizationArid zonesSustainable agricultureAgricultural ecosystemsOver grazingAlternative livelihoodsKenya agricultural productivity and sustainable land managementReport