Behr, D.C.Drinkwater, L.E.Hively, W.D.Werner, F.R.Buck, L. E.Gavin, T. A.Lee, D. R.Uphoff, N. T.2016-04-192016-04-192004 only recordAs problems such as the loss of biodiversity, rural poverty and environmental degradation get worse, natural resource management practices need to change to counter this trend. New institutions and practices need to be embraced in order to encourage practices to reverse these trends. There are also competing pressures, such as those to increase agricultural production and to conserve biodiversity, that must be dealt with.text/plainen-USIn CopyrightBiodiversityLivelihoodsSustainable agricultureEcoagricultureBiodiversity conservationOrganic farmingFertilizationGrain productionFood productionPesticide exportProductivityEcosystem Farm/Enterprise Scale Field Scale Governance WatershedEcoagriculture: A review and assessment of its scientific foundationsAbstract