Zheng, ZongshengXu, YijunMili, Lamine M.Liu, ZhigangKorkali, MertWang, Yuhong2024-01-232024-01-232021-05-130885-8950https://hdl.handle.net/10919/117620Serving as a prerequisite to power system dynamic state estimation, the observability analysis of a power system dynamic model has recently attracted the attention of many power engineers. However, because this model is typically nonlinear and large-scale, the analysis of its observability is a challenge to the traditional derivative-based methods. Indeed, the linear-approximation-based approach may provide unreliable results while the nonlinear-technique-based approach inevitably faces extremely complicated derivations. Furthermore, because power systems are intrinsically stochastic, the traditional deterministic approaches may lead to inaccurate observability analyses. Facing these challenges, we propose a novel polynomial-chaos-based derivative-free observability analysis approach that not only is free of any linear approximations, but also accounts for the stochasticity of the dynamic model while bringing a low implementation complexity. Furthermore, this approach enables us to quantify the degree of observability of a stochastic model, what conventional deterministic methods cannot do. The excellent performance of the proposed method has been demonstrated by performing extensive simulations using a synchronous generator model with IEEE-DC1A exciter and the TGOV1 turbine governor.Pages 5834-584512 page(s)application/pdfenPublic Domain (U.S.)ObservabilityAnalytical modelsPower system dynamicsPower system stabilityStochastic processesComputational modelingPower systemsDynamic state estimationobservability analysisderivative-freepolynomial chaosdegree of observabilityObservability Analysis of a Power System Stochastic Dynamic Model Using a Derivative-Free ApproachArticle - RefereedIEEE Transactions on Power Systemshttps://doi.org/10.1109/TPWRS.2021.3079919366Mili, Lamine [0000-0001-6134-3945]1558-0679