Goldberg, Ari Joseph2016-11-292016-11-292016-11-28vt_gsexam:9215 studies were conducted to better understand the current status of the industry and create a design process and taxonomy. Study 1 assessed current industry usage of dust control technologies and stakeholder perceptions in the concrete and masonry trades. Study 2 was similar but assessed emission control technologies in the asphalt roofing trade. Study 3 used the information from studies 1 and 2 to select a tool for further evaluation. The handheld cutoff concrete saw was chosen. An iterative design process was utilized to evaluate the saw. The design process and subsequent usability inspection engendered a taxonomy, or set of design recommendations can be applied to large handheld powered tools.ETDIn CopyrightDesign TaxonomyCut-off SawConcrete and Masonry DustAsphalt Roofing DustUser ExperienceUsabilityErgonomicsHuman FactorsIndustry Usage, Stakeholder Perceptions, and Usability Characteristics of Hazard Controls Leading  to the Development of a Design Process and Taxonomy for Large Handheld Powered Equipment.  Dissertation