Williamson, Stacey J.Hayhoe, Celia Ray2014-08-122014-08-122009-05-01http://hdl.handle.net/10919/49765Most people consider refinancing their home mortgage to take advantage of lower interest rates and reduce their monthly mortgage payment. Refinancing a mortgage means paying off your old mortgage and signing a contract for a new loan. Whether to refinance your mortgage is a difficult question to answer, and considerations in this publication will help make that decision easier.3 pagesapplication/pdfen-USVirginia Cooperative Extension materials are available for public use, re-print, or citation without further permission, provided the use includes credit to the author and to Virginia Cooperative Extension, Virginia Tech, and Virginia State University.Family Financial ManagementRefinancing Your MortgageExtension publicationhttp://pubs.ext.vt.edu/354/354-047/354-047_pdf.pdfMortgagesBank loansInterest ratesRepaymentMoney management