Shanmugavel, Sibi Chakravarthy2022-12-162022-12-162021-06-23vt_gsexam:31181 phase Imaging(QPI) has emerged as a valuable tool for imaging specimens with weak scattering and absorbing abilities such as cells and tissues. It is complementary to fluorescence microscopy, as such, it can be applied to unlabelled specimens without the need for fluorescent tagging. By quantitatively mapping the phase changes induced in the incident light field by the optical path length delays of the specimen, QPI provides objective measurement of the cellular dynamics and enables imaging the specimen with high contrast. Transport of Intensity Equation(TIE) is a powerful computational tool for QPI because of its experimental and computational simplicity. Using TIE, the phase can be quantitatively retrieved from defocused intensity images. However, the resolution of the phase image computed using TIE is limited by the diffraction limit of the imaging system used to capture the intensity images. In this thesis, we have developed a super resolution phase imaging technique by applying the principles of Structured Illumination Microscopy(SIM) to Transport of Intensity phase retrieval. The modulation from the illumination shifts the high frequency components of the phase object into the system pass-band. This enables phase imaging with resolutions exceeding the diffraction limit. The proposed method is experimentally validated using a custom-made upright microscope. Because of its experimental and computational simplicity, the method in this thesis should find application in biomedical laboratories where super resolution phase imaging is requiredETDIn CopyrightQuantitative Phase ImagingSuper resolution imagingStructured IlluminationHigh Resolution Phase Imaging using Transport of Intensity EquationThesis