Kirakosyan, Lyusyena2019-06-142019-06-142019-06-01Kirakosyan, L. Sport for All and Social Inclusion of Individuals with Impairments: A Case Study from Brazil. Societies 2019, 9, 44. article examines the discourses about Sport for All (SFA) and their evolution over the past four decades in Brazil and analyzes the implications of those discourses for social inclusion of Brazilians with impairments in sport and leisure. It provides an overview of four political milestones in the development of sport participation in Brazil: the launch of the SFA program under the military dictatorship; the adoption of the 1988 Constitution; the ratification of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities; and the Rio 2016 Paralympics. Foucault’s archaeological-genealogical approach has been used to explain how the principle of social inclusion has been practised and enacted through the SFA discourses in Brazil and to discuss the implications of sport and leisure policies for the population with impairments.application/pdfenCreative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalSport for AllBrazilsocial inclusionsport policypeople with impairmentsSport for All and Social Inclusion of Individuals with Impairments: A Case Study from BrazilArticle - Refereed2019-06-14Societies