Moore, Keith M.Kaboré, D.Gnoumou, B.Bertelsen, Michael2016-04-192016-04-191999SANREM CRSP WA Working Paper no. 99-01108_9901Ep.pdf drought-with its concurrent threat of climatic change, advancing desertification and theapplication/pdfen-USIn CopyrightIntegrated crop managementDroughtSemiarid zonesConflictLocal policyArid zonesSoil fertilityLand tenureFood securityLand use managementDecentralizationPastoralismNatural resource managementWater rightsCrop-livestock integrationHerdersFarmersPopulation increaseAgricultural systemsPastoral systemsSocioeconomic conditionsFarm/Enterprise Scale Governance WatershedConflict and natural resource management in agricultural and pastoral systems of arid and semi-arid regions of West Africa: A review of the literature, key informant perspectives and lessons learnedWorking paperCopyright 2000 Office for International Research and Development